To get to know the APFCB 2024 speakers in more detail, click on their photos below:
Dr Ashish Agravatt
Dr Ashish Kr Agravatt is currently working as Associate Professor at PDU Govt. Medical College, Rajkot, Gujarat India.
He is a member in IFCC committee on public relation ; the corresponding member to the “IFCC committee on standardization of Thyroid Function Tests (C-STFT). He is also editorial board member of e journal of IFCC
He was awarded IFCC Roche Travel Scholarship and invited speaker to IFCC virtual global conference on critical role of laboratories in COVID 19 pandemic ,2021. Dr Ashish has tremendous interest in quality improvement and development of Laboratory Information system. Besides delivering the responsibility as a Biochemist , he has created YouTube channels and websites on Biochemistry . You can visit his youtube channel “livebiochemistry” & website:
Dr Animesh Bardoloi
Dr Animesh Bardoloi, MBBS, MD (Biochemistry) has 17 years of experience in Clinical Biochemistry and is currently heading Alcare Diagnostics as the Group Quality Head. With Quality as passion, he is a 6 sigma Black Belt holder and an executive MBA. He is a NABL and NABH assessor and also is a member of various scientific societies (AMBI, ACCLMP, CAHO). He has been awarded the IFCC Roche's Travel Scholarship for Istanbul (2014) and has participated in many various IFCC, APFCB and EFLM programmes, presenting scientific papers in these conferences. He is also the corresponding member of APFCB and IFCC committee.
Dr Seema Bhargava
Qualifications: Dr.Seema Bhargava has an MBBS degree from Government Medical College, Srinagar, J&K (Kashmir University), DNB from Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, and PhD from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH) and Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi with a short post-doctoral stint at University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Thereafter, she was awarded Fellowships by the Royal College of Pathologists, London (FRCPath) and the Association of Clinical Biochemists of India (FACBI).
Research: She has worked in the Department of Biochemistry at SGRH, New Delhi, since 1992.
Her research on homocysteine has resulted in the implementation of several translational aspects at SGRH in diagnostics and management of vascular disease. Her research continues to focus on identification of clinically relevant biochemical markers and their applications in various areas of medicine like neurology, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular disease, sepsis, immunology, diabetes with special reference to micronutrients deficiency and toxicity, e.g. vitamin B12, lead, etc.
Awards: She is a recipient of several institutional, national and international awards. Most noteworthy are:
- Gold Medal of ‘GRIPMER Best Publication 2012'
- ‘James Willerson Clinical Award' in 2013
- ‘Dharam Vira Award For Excellence 2014'
- Fellowship of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India, 2018 [FACBI]
- Fellowship of Royal College of Pathologists, London, UK, 2019 [FRCPath]
- IMA NDB Award of Excellence in November, 2021.
- Long Service Awards of 20 years, 25 years and 30 years at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
- Dr. T. N. Pattabhiraman Oration Award by ACBI.
Publications: She has over 50 publications in national and international indexed journals and several chapters in various books (Biochemistry, Cardiology, National Digital Library). She has also authored a book titled “Clinical Applications of Homocysteine” published by Springer International in 2018.[h-index 14; i10index 21]
Academic: She has guided several PhD and DNB scholars. She is also on the editorial board of IJCB [Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry], CMRP [Current Medicine Research and Practice] and JNNSc [Journal of Nature and Natural Sciences] and a reviewer for several other international indexed journals.
Posts held in Societies/Organizations: She has held and still holds executive posts in several national and international academic associations, including ACBI (currently President, previously Vice-President, before that North Zone Executive), IABS, IFCC-EBLM (Member and Visiting Lecturer), InSLAR, ISIEM, ISAR-DC (previously Vice President, Secretary). Currently she is the Chairperson of the Diagnostic Division of CAHO (Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organizations).
As member of the EBLM Committee of the IFCC, she is involved in various international programmes for the promotion of EBLM and has been invited to several international conferences and Universities to deliver lectures or participate in symposia and workshops.
Quality Assurance: She is a lead assessor and technical assessor for NABL [National Accreditation Board for testing and calibrating Laboratories] and also a member of its Technical as well as Core Committees for Accreditation. She is the Course Director for a one-month course on “Total Laboratory Quality Management and Internal Auditor-ISO 15189:2012” conducted by GRIPMER.
Andreas Bietenbeck
Andreas Bietenbeck is Medical Director of “Labor Poing”, a small medical laboratory close to Munich, Germany. Moreover, he serves as the Chair of the division Medical Informatics of the German Society for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine e.V. (DGKL). His research interests include quality control of laboratory tests and especially computationally intensive methods such as patient-based real-time quality control.
Jole Bojovic
Jole Bojovic has been employed at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney since 2005. In 2007, he was approached to set up Australia's first genetic screening service for patients with Porphyria and their family members. Since then he has maintained an active role in Porphyrin testing in both the Chemical Pathology and Medical Genomics laboratories at RPAH before assuming control of day-to-day operations of the Porphyrin laboratory in 2020 until present.
Prof Shaun Brennecke
Prof Brennecke is the University of Melbourne Dunbar Hooper Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
He is also a member of the hospital's Senior Medical Staff and Head of its Pregnancy Research Centre.
In 2020, he was appointed Officer (AO) of the Order of Australia (General Division) within the Australian Honours system for distinguished service to medical education and research in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and to professional societies.
Prof Brennecke's research interests focus on human pregnancy and its complications.
Dr Jing Cao
Dr. Jing Cao received her Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and is board certified in Clinical Chemistry after completion of fellowship training at the University of Minnesota Medical Center in 2015. She is currently an Associate Professor of Pathology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW), Director of mass spectrometry and POCT. She serves on a number of committee positions, including Chair of Association of Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) Lipoprotein and Vascular Disease Division, Chair of ADLM Texas Section 2023-2025, Past President of North American Chinese Clinical Chemists Association 2019-2020, and Document Development Committee on Newborn Screen for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency in the United States. Dr. Cao leads the United States National Institute of Health-funded translational research studies on blood biomarkers of traumatic brain injury and has over 50 articles on publications including the official journal of ADLM, Clinical Chemistry. She has been invited to present at the ADLM Annual Meeting consecutively for years.
Dr Jenny Cheng
Dr Jenny Cheng is currently a 4th-year Chemical Pathology trainee in Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong SAR. She is a honorary clinical tutor of the Department of Chemical Pathology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Associate Professor Cherie Chiang
A/Prof Chiang is a dually qualified endocrinologist and chemical pathologist. She is the Head of Chemical Pathology at Melbourne Health, the Head of Bone at Austin Health, ANZBMS Councillor and RACP Council Member (Endocrinology and Chemical Pathology representative).
Kay Weng Choy
I am a chemical pathologist at Northern Health in Epping, Victoria, Australia. My interests include clinical decision support in laboratory medicine and assisting clinicians in pathology test requesting and result interpretation.
Prof Christa M. Cobbaert PhD, EurSpLM
Professor of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), Leiden, the Netherlands
Professor Cobbaert is a European Specialist in Laboratory Medicine. She is heading the Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine atthe Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, NL since 2009. Her research focuses on Precision Diagnostics with quantitative bottom-up proteomics for accomplishing more sustainable molecular definition of Health and Disease. She currently chairs the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) Scientific Division Executive Committee, involved with metrology and standardization of medical tests ( She is also a member of ISO TC 212 working group 2 on Reference Systems.
In Europe she represents the European Federation in Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) in the IVD subgroup of the Medical Device Coordination Group during meetings with the European Commission on the roll out of the IVDR 2017/746. In this capacity she chairs the EFLM Task Force on European Regulatory Affairs (
Her work resulted in ~180 original publications, multiple lectures/webinars and several appointments at (inter)national positions because of her expertise on metrological traceability of test results.
Virginia Cronin
Virginia Cronin is a senior scientist working in the Special Chemistries section of the Biochemistry Department of the Royal Melbourne Hospital. She has a strong interest in Porphyria, working in the Porphyria reference laboratory where she has helped develop several porphyrin assays and presented and published at a local and international level. She has worked for many years with both the Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists (AACB) and the Royal College Pathologist Australia Quality Assurance program (RCPA-QAP) where she is the current chair of the Porphyrin Advisory Group and supervisor of the manufacture of the RCPA QAP Porphyrin external quality assurance program material.
Professor Louise Cullen
Louise Cullen is a Pre-Eminent Staff Specialist in Emergency Medicine, a clinical trialist and outcomes researcher in acute diseases and biomarkers. She is enthusiastically involved in the translation of research by clinical redesign and innovation.
As an accomplished acute disease researcher, Prof Cullen has focused on the diagnosis and management of patients presenting with possible Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) in the Emergency Department (ED). She has been engaged in many international collaborations and has authored over 160 publications in peer-reviewed journals including The New England Journal of Medicine and the Lancet, focussed on strategies to improve efficiency, whilst maintaining safety for patients with possible ACS, syncope, heart failure, shortness of breath and atrial fibrillation.
Professor Cullen's mantra is that “you do not do research for research's sake” and as such, clinical redesign and translational research is a key part of her endeavours. She has led widespread implementation of research and established clinical redesign initiatives in Emergency Departments (EDs) across Queensland Health (QH).
Pre-Eminent Staff Specialist, Department of Emergency Medicine
Prof, Queensland University of Technology
Prof, University of Queensland
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Brisbane, Queensland 4029, AUSTRALIA.
Tel: (+ 61 7) 3636 7901. Fax: (+ 61 7) 3636 1643.
Twitter: @louiseacullen
Qualifications: MBBS (Hon) FACEM FESC PhD
Thyrza Laudamy Darmadi
Dr Thyrza Laudamy Darmadi, SpPK graduated he medical degree from Medical Faculty UKRIDA (2004) and did her clinical pathology specialist from University of Indonesia (2013). Presently she is working as a Clinical Pathologist in Pondok Indah – Pondok Indah Hospital. In 2023, she received the IFCC Professional Scientific Exchange Program and learned about the Newborn Screening Program at Children hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa and Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto.
She is active in several organization as:
- Member Of Indonesian Association Of Clinical Pathology & Medical Laboratory (PDS Patklin)
- Member Of Indonesian Association For Clinical Chemistry (IACC) Quality And Laboratory Management Committee
- Member Of Laboratory Hematology Proficiency Test, Indonesian External Quality Assurance Service (INAEQAS)
- Accreditation Assessor For ISO 15189 From National Accreditation Committee (KAN), National Standardization Body
- Member Of Asia Pacific Federation Of Clinical Biochemistry (APFCB) Quality And Laboratory Management Committee
- Member of the Expert Commission of Newborn Screening Program, Indonesian Health Ministry
Dr. Barnali is recipient of three oration awards and seven international and eight national awards from NABH (2023 NABH Best Practices Award of Excellence) College of American Pathologist (CAP Inspector Excellence Honour), American Association of Clinical Chemistry (Outstanding Speaker Award), Univants of Healthcare excellence Global Achievement Award by IFCC, AACC; 2022, International Federation of Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine (IFCC Development of Quality Competence in Medical Laboratories- DQMCL Award), Asia Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry (Young Scientist Scholarship), Reliance Group Corporate Social Responsibility (The Woman of Substance Award), Seth G.S. Medical College & K.E.M. Hospital Oration Award 2021, Dr. T. N. Pattabhiraman Oration Award, Pitabus Jamuna Burma Memorial Award and Dr. C. Sita Devi Award and Dr. Ajit Singh Saini Oration Award and also Brig. Ramesh Sinha Memorial Certificate & Gold Medal, “Diagnostic Leadership Award in Achiever Category” from Indian Express Group, Zee Business National Healthcare Leadership Award in ‘Woman Leadership Category'. Recently she has received ‘Global Investigator Award' in LMCE KSLM Laboratory Medicine Congress & Exhibition 2021 & 62nd Annual Meeting, October, 2021. She is recipient of ‘2021 The White Knight Award, Healthcare Heroes of India' by Metropolis Healthcare and ‘Custodians of Humanity Award 2021' by IGHM for COVID task force work. She has been honored as “ Best Docs Mumbai 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 & 2020” in the Laboratory Medicine/ General Pathology field in the magazine ‘Outlook' and “ Top Doctors Mumbai 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020” in the ‘India Today'. She is collaborating projects with IIT Bombay and other institutes.
She has many research publications in international & national journals (recent one like Clinical Chemistry, European Thyroid Journal, Clinical Biochemistry, Indian Heart Journal, IJCB and IJMB etc.). Her work featured in many news articles in Times of India first page, Hindustan Times, Dainik Jagran, Express Healthcare, CLN News, IFCC enews and cover story of many other magazines. She has delivered more than 100 invited talks & plenary lectures; 3 orations and chaired more than 50 sessions in conferences in different countries. Delivered lectures, short courses and webinars in conferences in US, Europe, Srilanka, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Singapore, Phillipines, Indonesia, Bangladesh and other countries. Her AACC University short course was recognized as “Best of AACC”.
Dr Xincen Duan
Dr. Xincen Duan is currently a Data Scientist at the Department of Laboratory Medicine of Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University in Shanghai. He earned his Master of Predictive Analytics (now Data Science) from the DePaul University in Chicago and PhD of Clinical Laboratory Medicine from Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University. His research focus on the application of advance Information technology in clinical laboratories, including patient-based real-time quality control, computer vision in clinical laboratories, and clinical decision support.
Dr Raja Elina Binti Raja Aziddin
Dr. Raja Elina has a degree in Biochemistry and a PhD in Medical Sciences from the University of Malaya. She served several government hospitals until her retirement in 2018. While in service, she setup the Pathology Department at the new Teluk Intan hospital in Perak as well as the Drug and Research Unit in Kuala Lumpur Hospital. She also set up the synthetic drugs of abuses testing, special proteins, therapeutic drug monitoring and tumour markers and was actively involved in quality management activities. She was also the head of the Clinical Biochemist profession, Ministry of Health from 2017-2018.
Dr. Elina is currently the President of the Malaysian Association of Clinical Biochemistry (MACB), Malaysia's representative to the APFCB and the IFCC. She is also the treasurer to the APFCB.
Other international positions she has held include Member of APFCB Laboratory Management Committee (C-LM), Chairman of APFCB Communication and Publications Committee (C-CP), editor of APFCB News, Member of IFCC Reference Intervals and Decision Limits Committee (C-RIDL) and Member of the IFCC Clinical Laboratory Management Committee (C-CLM). Dr. Elina has been invited as a guest speaker at many national and international conferences and in 2017 she was appointed as an APFCB traveling lecturer for a period of 3 years.
Dr. Elina is currently a Senior Technical Assessor under the Department of Standards Malaysia for MS ISO 15189. She is a member of the Technical Committee for Clinical Laboratory Testing & In Vitro Diagnostic Test Systems (TC/R/7) for the Preparation of Malaysian Standards and a member of the international working group for ISO TC 212. In 2020, Dr. Elina was a member of the Malaysian Allied Health Professions Council for the Malaysian Allied Health Professions Act 774 for the term 2020-2023. She is an External Advisor for Sunway University for the Master of Medical Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science program as well as the Adjunct Professor for the Faculty of Health Sciences, National University of Malaysia.
A/Prof Shane Ellis
Shane R. Ellis is an Associate Professor at the University of Wollongong. He obtained his PhD from the University of Wollongong (UOW) in 2013 before completing a postdoctoral position with Prof. Ron Heeren at FOM-AMOLF in Amsterdam where he worked on the development of Timepix active pixel detectors for various ion imaging applications. From 2014-2019 he was an Assistant Professor at the Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging Institute (M4I) where he led the Imaging Instrumentation and Application Development Group within the Division for Imaging Mass Spectrometry. In 2018 he was awarded a prestigious VIDI grant from the Netherlands Organization and returned to Australia in 2020 as an Australian Research Council Future Fellow. He has won several awards for his research including in 2022 the Jochen Franzen Award from the International Mass Spectrometry Foundation and in 2018 the Outstanding Research Award from the Netherlands Mass Spectrometry Society. He was also named in the 2022 Analytical Scientist 40 under 40 Power list. His research focuses on both the continued development of MSI technologies and their application to studying region-specific metabolism in tissues and cells, with a particular focus on lipidomics.
Chris Farrell
Chris Farrell is a chemical pathologist with NSW Health Pathology at Liverpool Hospital in Sydney. He has an interest in data science.
Clinical Associate Professor Chris M. Florkowski
Chris is a consultant in chemical pathology at Canterbury Health Laboratories in Christchurch, New Zealand. He has served for many years on the AACB Working Party on Porphyria and with a particular focus on the Cases for Comment series.
Prof Maria Fuller
Professor Maria Fuller is a Clinical Scientist specialising in biochemical genetics and leads the National Referral Laboratory within the state-wide public pathology service in South Australia. The laboratory provides a national diagnostic service for lysosomal disorders and has a long-standing interest in improving the efficiency of biochemical diagnosis. Maria has a conjoint academic appointment with the University of Adelaide, where she is a research leader at the Robinson Research Institute, and enjoys supervising post-graduate students as well as hosting clinical placements. She has published over 120 articles in the scientific and medical literature and seven book chapters.
Prof William Hague
Professor Hague holds one of very few Chairs of Obstetric Medicine in the world, with dual training in both Obstetrics and Internal Medicine in the UK, for many years led the Obstetric Medicine unit at the Women's and Children's Hospital, Adelaide, and is now a clinical trialist, based at the Robinson Research Institute, The University of Adelaide, with a particular focus on metabolic disorders of pregnancy.
He initiated and leads the current international TURRIFIC study in Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) (funded by MRFF), has led the Metformin in Gestational diabetes (MiG) trial in Australia and its follow-up studies (funded by NHMRC), and was the second lead in the recent TOBOGM study of "early" gestational diabetes (also NHMRC-funded): the recent NEJM paper (Simmons et al) was identified by the ADA as one of 28 "Notable Papers of 2023".
Now more or less retired from clinical practice, Prof Hague maintains an ongoing active research profile, with productive international collaborations in New Zealand, the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland and Canada. Publications include papers in the New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, BMJ, Science, Nature and the Australian Medical Journal. The Founding member and Convenor of the Obstetric Medicine Group of Australasia (now SOMANZ), Prof Hague is a past President of the Australasian Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy and was previously Meetings organiser for the International Society of Obstetric Medicine.
He chaired the writing group for the SOMANZ Consensus Statement on the diagnosis and management of ICP, recently published on the Society website, and organised and chaired the recent Cholestasis in Pregnancy meeting held alongside the SOMANZ ASM in Adelaide.
Dr Hewageegana Thushara Naleen Hewageegana
Consultant Chemical Pathologist Teaching Hospital Anuradhapura Sri Lanka since November 2014 up to now. During this period I worked as the supervisor of the Renal Research Laboratory, Teaching Hospital Anuradhapura Sri Lanka.
Visiting lecture Rajarata University, Mihinthale. Sri Lanka from 2015 up to now.
President- College of Chemical pathologists Sri Lanka.
Dr Andy Hoofnagle
Dr. Hoofnagle is a Professor and Head of the Clinical Chemistry Division in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Washington. He serves as the Chair of the Accuracy Based Programs Committee at the College of American Pathologists. His laboratory has helped pioneer the use of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in the quantification of small molecule and protein biomarkers in clinical specimens. They are grant funded to develop and leverage analytical methods for nutrition, obesity, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and growth hormone activity. In addition to his research activities, Dr. Hoofnagle mentors graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and junior faculty and helps direct the clinical chemistry laboratories within UW Medicine.
Prof Yi Huang
- Director, Clinical Laboratory, Fuzhou University Affiliated Provincial Hospital
- Director, Clinical Medical Experimental Research Center, Fuzhou University Affiliated Provincial Hospital
- Director, Center Laboratory, Fuzhou University Affiliated Provincial Hospital
- Doctoral Supervisor in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Fujian Medical University
- ISO 15189 Medical Laboratory Accreditation Technical Assessor, China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment
- Visiting Scholar, High-Throughput Biology Center of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Professional Focus:
- Clinical Immunology Test
- Clinical Molecular Biology Test
- Screening and Application of Major Disease Markers
- Executive Committee Member, Clinical Laboratory Medicine Subdivision, China Medical Equipment Association
- Executive Committee Member, Thrombosis and Hemostasis Subdivision, China Research Hospital Association
- Executive Committee Member, Clinical Laboratory Medicine Subdivision, China Gerontology and Health Care Medicine Research Association
- Chairman, Laboratory Management Subdivision, Fujian Hospital Association
- Deputy Chairman, Fujian Microbiology and Immunology Subdivision, Fujian Medical Association
- Executive Committee Member, Laboratory Medicine Subdivision, Fujian Medical Association
Jon Hyett
Jon Hyett is the Head of the Department of Maternal and Fetal Medicine at Liverpool Hospital, Sydney and the Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Western Sydney University.
Jon's primary research interests include predictive modelling and preventative interventions for adverse obstetric outcomes. Many of these models are based on first trimester screening. Others are being developed for managing term pregnancies. He is also interested in management of multiple pregnancies.
Jon is a trustee of the Fetal Medicine Foundation (UK) who have developed a number of risk algorithms used to inform management of pregnancy.
Prof Aamir Ijaz
Prof Aamir Ijaz, after graduation from Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore (1983), passed MCPS in Clinical Pathology (1988) and FCPS in Chemical Pathology (1995) from Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Trained in Paediatric Metabolic Disorders at Great Ormond Street Hospital London, UK. Attended courses on Biorisk Management at Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, USA and Patient Safety at Maryland, USA. He has served at UN Hospital in Croatia. He is a qualified medical educationist and done his MCPS-HPE from College of Physisians and Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP). He has nearly 140 publications, authorship of 7 books and book chapters (including “Chemical Pathology for the Beginners) and nearly 110 scientific presentations to his credit. He was founder Chief Editor of PSCP Newsletter ‘The Spectrum'. He remained editor of the Pakistan Journal of Pathology for three years He was awarded FRCP by Royal College of Physicians of Edinburg UK in 2011. He has vast experince of teaching undergraduate medical and science students at various universities. He has trained dozens of postgraduate students of Laboratory Medicine. He is Ex-President of Pakistan Society of Chemical Pathology (full member of APFCB) and Ex-Dean of Faculty of Chemical Pathology at CPSP.
Presently he is the working as Professor of Chemical Pathology at NUST School of Health Sciences, Islamabad Pakistan.
Dr Shivani Jaswal
Dr Shivani Jaswal is a MD Biochemist with 20 years' experience in clinical diagnostics and research. She is presently working as Professor & Head, Department of Biochemistry at Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh, India. She is the national Coordinator for the Association of Medical Biochemists of India and represented AMBI in the 14th APFCB Congress Taipei (2016) in the APFCB Executive Council. She has also been the corresponding member of various IFCC committees. Apart from Clinical diagnostics, she has also obtained Fellowship in Genetic Diagnostics and has a keen interest in molecular diagnostics.
She has undertaken many research projects and presented papers in national and international conferences.
Prof Adil Khan
Adil I. Khan MSc PhD is a Full Professor of Pathology at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University, in Philadelphia and the Medical Director for Point-of-Care Testing and Clinical Chemistry Laboratories for the Temple University Health System, in Philadelphia, USA.
He completed his MSc from the United Kingdom in Immunology of Infectious Diseases from at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and his PhD in Immunology from the Hammersmith Hospital Campus of the National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London. This was followed by a Postdoctoral Clinical Chemistry Training Fellowship at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.
Prof. Khan teaches pathology residents, medical students, and students of podiatric medicine and his research interests include understanding the role of adhesion molecules and extracellular vesicles in inflammation. He is also involved in clinical trials of point-of-care testing devices /laboratory instruments, and assay development. He has numerous publications, co-authored various laboratory guidelines for the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, organized workshops and symposia. He is a member of the Canadian Society for Clinical Chemists and the Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) where he is also a member of the Finance Committee. He has also been the Treasurer and Chair of the Philadelphia section of the ADLM, Chair of the Nominating Committee for ADLM Critical and Point-of-Care Testing Division and is currently the Chair of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Committee on Point-of-Care Testing.
Prof Anthony Killeen
Anthony A. Killeen, MB, BCh, PhD, MSc, is a Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology and the Director of Clinical Laboratories, at the University of Minnesota Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is the President of the Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC).
Dr. Killeen received his medical degree from the National University of Ireland, his M.Sc. from the University of Oxford, and his PhD from the University of Minnesota.
He has served in many leadership positions within ADLM (formerly AACC), including ADLM Secretary from 2017 to 2020. He has been active with external quality assurance programs at the College of American Pathologists, serving in the past as the Chair of the Chemistry, Instrumentation Resource, and Accuracy-Based Surveys Committees.
Dr. Killeen's research interests are in laboratory quality, clinical trials, hypertension, and the use of "big data" in laboratory medicine.
Dr Danijela Kocic
Dr Kocic is the Scientific Head of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology for SydPath at the St. Vincent's Hospital in Sydney, Australia. She manages the analysis of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring results to clinicians, patients and other clients requesting rigorous analytical services to optimise patient outcomes in various complex clinical settings and clinical trials.
Dr Kocic is an active member of TDM Matters Multi-Disciplinary Team Service at St Vincent's Hospital and was appointed as a Conjoint Senior Lecturer at St Vincent's Clinical School, the University of NSW, in 2020.
Dr Kocic is a leading committee member of the NSW Health Pathology Clinical Mass Spectrometry Forum. The forum is conducted 3-4 times a year and caters to various topics relevant to clinical scientists, clinicians, researchers and academics by inviting renowned domestic and international speakers. This role helps her network and work closely with peers in similar laboratories across Sydney like Prince of Wales Hospital, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, The Children's Hospital at Westmead, etc.
Dr Kocic is Special Drugs Advisory Committee Member with The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Programs (RCPAQAP), where she provides an expert opinion on the program that serves laboratories nationally and internationally.
Dr Kocic commenced her scientific career with Novartis Pharmaceuticals as a Research Scientist. After completion of her PhD, she moved to the Drug Toxicology Unit of the NSW Forensic and Analytical Scientific Service as a Senior Scientist in Charge of Research & Development and Innovation, continuing to develop high-throughput, robust methods for drug detection and confirmation.
Her research interests are the improvement of the sample throughput of standard LC-MS/MS equipment using Active Flow Technology, TDM and personalised medicine.
Prof Gerald J. Kost
Dr. Kost studied Engineering at Stanford University and in Venezuela, then received the Master's degree in Engineering-Economic Systems (EEP) from Stanford prior to entering the Medical Scientist MD-PhD program at the University of California. He received his PhD in Bioengineering (NIH Traineeship) from UC San Diego and his MD from UC San Francisco in a Medical Scientist program. He was elected to Mu Alpha Theta (mathematics), Phi Kappa Phi (scholarship), and Sigma Xi (science) honor societies.
His clinical residency comprised Internal Medicine/Neurology at UCLA and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Washington, Seattle. He is boarded in Clinical Pathology (ABP), was elected to the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB, AACC Academy), served on its Board of Directors, and is licensed to practice medicine in California. For over three decades, he was Director of POCT and Clinical Chemistry for UC Davis Health. In 1995, he founded the POCT•CTR, and in 2016, the POC Institute. He has received two Edward A. Dickson Endowed Emeritus Professor Awards in the School of Medicine at UC Davis.
A Founding Father of the medical field, point-of-care testing (POCT), he has invented numerous signature concepts, including therapeutic turnaround time, the hybrid laboratory, the spatial care path, and point-of-care culture. He is the co-inventor of Point-of-Careology in China. POCT is diagnostic testing at or near the site of care. By helping to implement POCT worldwide, he has moved rapid diagnostics and evidence-based treatment directly to points of need in the home, primary care, ambulances (sea, land, and air), emergency rooms, critical care units, and hospitals. Now ubiquitous for COVID-19 testing, POCT is helping to stop infectious outbreaks and facilitate preparedness, thereby improving medical and economic outcomes. Strategic POCT has proven pivotal to improving outcomes during the pandemic.
Dr. Kost's seminal books codified the fundamental principles for this new field— Handbook of Clinical Automation, Robotics, and Optimization (Wiley); Principles and Practice of Point-of-Care Testing (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins); and Global Point of Care: Strategies for Disasters, Emergencies, and Public Health Resilience (AACC Press-Elsevier). He contributed extensively to books on POCT in China, the latest, a book titled “Point-of-Careology,” which proposes this new medical specialty. He was a founding editorial board member of the journal, Point of Care, and serves on several other editorial boards. His recent chapters in A Practical Guide to Global Point-of-Care Testing (CSIRO, Australia) address the rapid detection of Ebola virus disease and other highly infectious threats and disaster resilience. He has received over 200 honors, awards, grants, speaking invitations, keynotes, and leadership positions worldwide and has been highlighted in approximately 20 Who's Who editions. He is the recipient of the Marquis Who's Who Worldwide Lifetime Achievement Award. His career total of published creative works is nearing 900.
While a Fulbright Scholar in Demography, Medicine, and Economics at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand in 2003-04, he helped implement POCT throughout the ASEAN member states, as well as India, Japan, South Korea, and China. His work implementing POC cardiac biomarker testing in Thailand revolutionized the care of acute coronary syndromes in that country. He has designed a complete curriculum for teaching the principles and practice of POCT (see
He was Principal Investigator/Director of the UC Davis POC Technologies Center (2007-2014) funded by the NIBIB at NIH. In 2015 and 2016, he received Outstanding Speaker Awards from the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, and in 2016, the AACC (NorCal) Award for Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Chemistry through Science and Technology recognizing “outstanding work in POCT, including recent work with Ebola testing and disaster readiness.” He contributes to NIH, National Academy of Sciences, and U.S. GAO expert panels. He is advancing the new field of geospatial POCT. Please see his seminal paper in Frontiers in Public Health (
His global outreach has encompassed Affiliate Faculty, College of Population Studies, and currently, Visiting Professor, College of Public Health Sciences, at Chulalongkorn University, and Visiting Professor/Adjunct Staff at Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, in Bangkok. He is Visiting Professor at Naresuan University in central Thailand. He was invited keynoter in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and invited speaker for two national educational tours (Ho Chi Minh City, Hue, Hanoi) in Vietnam. He organized an International Symposium at Hue University, central Vietnam. He gave talks in Munich, Germany, and several contributions during WorldLab 2017, South Africa, as an inaugural member of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) POCT Task Force. During the pandemic, he delivered numerous virtual presentations worldwide, including keynote and resource lectures for a second IFCC Visiting Professorship at the annual convention of the Philippine Council for Quality Assurance in Clinical Laboratories in 2021. He is President and CEO of Knowledge Optimization® in Davis, California.
He received his second Fulbright Scholar Award in 2020-2022 to study geospatial POCT in ASEAN with emphasis on improving standards of care in limited-resource and island nations. He was sponsored by the National Public Health Laboratory of the National Institute of Public Health and Puthisastra University in Phnom Penh, Cambodia in 2021. His research focused on geospatial mitigation of COVID-19 in rural provinces during peak outbreaks there. In 2022, he was resident at Cebu Technological University, Cebu City, the Philippines, and performed field research in the remote Bantayan Archipelago of the Visayas Islands. Research themes comprised a) COVID-19 POC strategies, b) cardiac biomarkers for emergency diagnosis of patients with acute myocardial infarction, c) geospatial optimization of rapid response POCT in the healthcare small-world networks of mainland Cebu Island and Bantayan Archipelago, and d) POCT and prehospital testing for island populations faced with rising oceans, super typhoons, and weather disasters from global warming. Please see his paper in the International Journal of Health Geographics (, the first paper to address the role of POCT in global warming.
He published numerous papers on POC strategies for COVID-19 since the first case outside China arrived in northern Thailand, where he was conducting research. They are free open access at the Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (, Omni Digital Health (, Diagnostics (, and Public Health and Surveillance ( These papers present original Bayesian mathematical equations he derived to reveal the impact of prevalence on COVID-19 tests, use “predictive value geometric mean-squared” curves to illustrate how prevalence affects COVID-19 test results, and introduce the “prevalence boundary hypothesis,” which explains how false negative rapid antigen tests have perpetuated the pandemic.
Dr. Kost is ranked number one worldwide by ScholarGPS ( in point-of-care testing and also highly in laboratory medicine (see
Dr. Kost is recipient of the 2023-24 Dickson Endowed Emeritus Faculty Award, the second such award from the University of California. With that research funding he has published a new paper on critical limits and critical values in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, which will help refine and update the standard of care for notification of life-threatening diagnostic test results. Please see ( These data were also published in the Medical Laboratory Observer Clinical Laboratory Reference 2024-25 (see
In 2024, Dr. Kost will have been speaker at the Royal College of Pathologists of Thailand; keynoter and speaker in the International Symposium on POCT sponsored by the European Federation of Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) in Venice Italy; three times visiting faculty and speaker at Naresuan University in Phitsanulok, Thailand; opening keynoter at the Critical and Point-of-care Testing International Symposium of the Association for Diagnostic and Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) in San Diego, California (September); and speaker for the Australian Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine in Sydney (November).
In 2025, Dr. Kost will be an invited speaker in the POCT Satellite Symposium at the 26th IFCC-EuroMedLab Congress, in Brussels, May 18 – 22, and will deliver the invited David Rothfield Memorial Oration at the 62nd Annual Scientific Conference of the Australian Association for Clinical Biochemistry held in Auckland, New Zealand, October 13-16, among other activities for 2025 in Southeast Asia.
In support of global outreach, virtually all of his twenty-two COVID-19 publications, research papers from Fulbright Scholar Awards, and papers supported by other funding are available open access, free to download, in part, supported by publication grants from the Libraries of the University of California.
An avid trumpet player and soloist, he performed in Carnegie Hall, New York City, and frequently performs in the Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts on the Davis campus of the University of California as a member of the University Concert Band.
Dr Leslie Lai
Dr Leslie Lai is a Consultant in Chemical Pathology & Metabolic Medicine at Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur where he is also the Laboratory Director. He was Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolic Medicine as well as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs at University Putra Malaysia from January 1997 till August 2001 and Dean of the Postgraduate Medical School at the International Medical University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from August 2001 till March 2004. Dr Leslie Lai was Chair of the Asia-Pacific Federation for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (APFCB) Education Committee from October 1998 till October 2004, Vice President from October 2004 till October 2010, President from October 2010 till December 2016 and Immediate Past President from January 2017 till December 2022. He was a member of the Education and Management Division of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine from 2004 till 2008, Vice Chair from 2009 till 2014 and Chair from 2015 till 2020. He was Associate Editor of Clinical Biochemistry from 2008 till 2018 and has been Associate Editor of Malaysian Journal of Pathology since 2008. He also serves on the Editorial Board of the Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, Pathology, The Clinical Biochemist Reviews, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine and Practical Laboratory Medicine. He has published widely, particularly in the field of endocrine-related tumours and endocrinology. For his services to the APFCB, Dr Leslie Lai was awarded the APFCB Distinguished Service Award in 2019. His clinical interests are in diabetes, thyroid and adrenal disorders.
Dr Leslie Lam
Deputy Medical Director & Consultant Pathologist
Parkway Laboratory Services, Singapore
Dr Leslie Lam graduated from The University of Melbourne, Australia and is qualified as a Chemical Pathologist. He is a Fellow of The Royal College of Pathologists (FRCPath), Diplomate of American Board of Clinical Chemistry (DABCC), Fellow of the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine Academy (FADLM), Member of Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists (MAACB) and Fellow of Academy of Medicine, Singapore (FAMS).
Dr Lam was previously the founding Head and Senior Consultant of Department of Laboratory Medicine, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital. Currently, Dr Lam hold multiple portfolios, including President of the Singapore Association of Clinical Biochemists (SACB), Member of Ministry of Health Pathology Specialist Training Committee, Member of Panel of Advisors for Health Sciences Authority External Quality Assessment Program in Clinical Chemistry, etc.
Dr Lam is interested in the areas of laboratory management and quality assurance. He has many years of experience in guiding laboratories to achieving laboratory accreditations, including College of American Pathologists (CAP) and ISO 15189. Dr Lam has been invited to chair and speak at numerous conferences as key opinion leader and has also published widely
Dr Cathie Lane
Dr Cathie Lane is a clinical nephrologist with over 20 years' experience managing patients with renal disease and hypertension. She provides nephrology services within Integrated Specialist Medical Care as well as holding a position of staff specialist at St. George Public Hospital.
Dr Lane completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Sydney (BPharm) before pursuing her medical studies at the University of Newcastle. After completing her specialisation as a nephrologist, she pursued a PhD at the University of New South Wales in medical education and has since held positions with the University of New South Wales as an educator.
Her roles within the public hospital system include co-ordination of living related donors for the kidney transplant programme at St. George Hospital in the Eastern Sydney Transplant Network and enjoying participation as a sub-investigator in several clinical trials through the renal research unit.
Within nephrology, apart from her role in renal transplant, her major focus is the control and management of hypertension, kidney stone disease, assessment, management and optimisation of outcomes in patients with reduced renal function.
A/Prof Kyunghoon Lee
Coming soon
Prof Woochang Lee
Professor Woochang Lee is working for the Department of Laboratory Medicine of Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine in Seoul, Korea.
He has graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine and was trained at Asan Medical Center.
He is a board certified clinical pathologist in Korea and specializes in clinical chemistry and molecular genetics.
He has several years' research experience at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
He is the member of Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine (KSLM), Korean Society of Clinical Chemistry (KSCC), and Korean Society of Genetic Diagnostics (KSGD).
He is now serving as the Director of General Affairs for the Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine (KSLM).
A/Prof Sang-Guk Lee
Sang-Guk Lee, MD, PhD, is a Professor of Laboratory Medicine and a director of clinical chemistry laboratory, at the Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. He is the Director of International Affairs of Korean Society of Clinical Chemistry. His research interests are in clinical metabolomics, clinical mass spectrometry, metabolic disorders and laboratory results standardization.
Ms Joanne Lee
Senior Manager, Quality Assurance and Technical Excellence
Parkway Laboratory Services, Singapore
Joanne has worked in both public and private healthcare, accumulating over 20 years of experience leading teams in CAP and ISO 15189 accredited clinical laboratories. Specializing in quality management, quality improvement, scientific and technical affairs, staff training, and laboratory information system, Joanne is well-versed in regulatory requirements and accreditation standards.
Joanne was a key figure of the pioneering team spearheaded the building of the new hospital, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, situated in western Singapore. Throughout her career, she has assumed numerous leadership positions, including roles as Secretariat for Hospital Point-of-Care Testing Committee, and Member of the Ministry of Health (MOH) Allied Health Panel for Medical Laboratory Technologist. She has published several scientific papers, and speaks regularly at local and international conferences.
Joanne holds a MSc degree from University of Surrey (UK), has MAACB certification, and serves as a Council Member of Singapore Association of Clinical Biochemists (SACB).
Ee Mun Lim
Dr Lim is currently Network Head of Department in Chemical Pathology at PathWest QEII and she oversees the management of Clinical Biochemistry, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Perth Children Hospital and King Edward Memorial Hospital. She is also Acting Director of Regional Support and Services and supervises 22 B-category laboratories. She has an appointment at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital as Consultant Endocrinologist.
Lindsey Mackay
Lindsey is co-chair of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Working Group for Neonatal Bilirubin. Her background is in metrology and she worked with the Australian National Measurement Institute for 28 years. From 2009 she was the General Manager of Chemical and Biological Metrology at NMIA, overseeing programs across a breadth of chemical and genetic measurement fields.
Dr Hafsa Majid
Dr Majid graduated from Dow Medical College (2007) and did her Fellowship in Chemical Pathology (2015) from Aga Khan University. Presently she is working as an Assistant Professor and Director Newborn Screening at the Department of Pathology and Lab Medicine, at Aga Khan University.
Dr Majid is a dedicated professional whose expertise lies in newborn screening, particularly in the diagnostics of Inherited Metabolic Diseases (IMDs) and endocrine metabolic disorders, such as congenital hypothyroidism. With a strong background in research and scholarly activities, Dr. Majid has contributed significantly to the field through more than 60 publications in peer-reviewed journals and active involvement in educational initiatives. By integrating clinical practice and medical education through developing application based educational modules, Dr. Majid strives to equip healthcare professionals with the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of inherited metabolic disorders effectively. Moreover, Dr. Majid has secured grants to support educational endeavours, including developing diagnostic algorithms and curriculum enhancement
Avis McWhinney
Avis McWhinney is the Supervising Scientist of the Chemical Pathology Specialist Testing Unit at Mater Health, South Brisbane. The testing performed within the Unit includes, diagnosing and monitoring inborn errors of metabolism, Mass Spectrometry analysis of steroids and protein electrophoresis. Avis has been a NATA assessor for over 15 years and is a member of the RCPA QAP Inborn Errors advisory committee.
Brett McWhinney
Brett McWhinney is the Supervising Chief Scientist of the Analytical Chemistry Unit (ACU) at the Central laboratory (RBWH), Pathology Queensland and is a Founding Fellow Faculty of Science (RCPA).
The ACU is a reference centre for biogenic amine analysis, immunosuppressant monitoring, metabolic screening, steroid analysis and therapeutic drug monitoring. The unit is also responsible for the provision of the newborn screening service for Queensland. He has over 30 years of experience in method development and validation in these areas. He has co-authored over 125 peer reviewed papers and regularly presents lectures on the introduction and application of Mass Spectrometry in a clinical laboratory.
Dr Prasenjit Mitra
Dr Prasenjit Mitra is an Assistant Professor (Biochemistry) at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India.
He is chair of the POCT working group (Asia Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (APFCB) Laboratory Management (C-LM) Committee), a member of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) Committee on Clinical Laboratory Management (C-CLM), a member of the IFCC Taskforce on Global eLearning (TF-GEL), and a member of the APFCB Laboratory Management Committee. He is a Fellow of the Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine (FADLM), Association of Clinical Scientists, USA (FACSc), the Linnean Society, UK (FLS), Royal Society for Public Health (FRSPH), Chartered Biologist (CBiol), Chartered Scientist (CSci), European Registered Toxicologist (ERT), member of Royal Society of Biology (MRSB), member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, India (MAMS) and a member of various International Societies in Clinical Chemistry, Laboratory Medicine, Toxicology, Nutrition, and Medical Education. He is a trained internal auditor (ISO 15189), an international lead assessor (AERSSC), and a certified Lean Six Sigma expert. He has been the recipient of over 25 national and international awards.
He has over 50 publications in peer-reviewed, indexed journals. He is the Section Editor (Pathology) of the European Journal of Medical Research, Associate Editor of the Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Case and Reviews, Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Human Gene, and Editorial Board member of various journals of international repute. His research interests include extracellular vesicles, molecular psychiatry, metabolic disorders, heavy metal toxicity, and laboratory management.
Samarina Musaad
Samarina Musaad is a Chemical Pathologist with experience in the private community and public sector. She currently works at Waitemata, Labplus and Northland. She is Clinical Director of the Biochemistry Department at LabPlus and oversees POCT in the three hospitals. She is the Clinical Lead for the Northern Region POCT Network and is the IFCC corresponding member for the AACB.
Samarina is passionate about Clinical Leadership and Governance in general and about testing outside-of-the lab specifically, and about clinical utility and risk mitigation of POCT. She also has a keen interest in the role POCT plays in public health and in supporting better access to healthcare delivery.
Keiichi Nakano
Keiichi Nakano is a staff clinical laboratory technologist in the department of Laboratory Medicine, Hokkaido University Hospital. He is a member of the Pitfall Research Special Committee of the Japanese Society of Clinical Chemistry (JSCC) and the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Japan Association for Clinical Laboratory Science (JCLS). His main research topic is nonspecific reactions in clinical laboratories, particularly for abnormal proteins. Applying his own research, he responded appropriately to the rare nonspecific reactions that occur in clinical practice.
Jusak Nugraha
Prof Ryunosuke Ohkawa
Professor, Department of Clinical Bioanalysis and Molecular Biology, Institute of Science Tokyo.
Board members of JCLS, JSCC and JCCLS.
Prof Ida Parwati
Coming soon
Dr Belinda Pope
Dr Belinda Pope is Chief Operating Officer for Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology. From her early experiences as a research scientist and then her role in the development of a Cord Blood Stem Cell processing and storage laboratory, Belinda has gained valuable insights into quality frameworks, therapeutic goods regulatory requirements and risk mitigation strategies. Belinda was awarded her PhD in the field of Stem Cell processing before becoming Quality and Improvement Manager for Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology. Belinda takes a keen interest in fostering patient centred care through continual quality improvements and development of risk management strategies. Belinda is a committee member of the RCPAQAP KIMMS program.
Dr Krishna Reddy
Dr. Krishna Reddy Nallamalla, a practicing Cardiologist, is currently the CEO of ACCESS Health International, a non-profit health systems thinktank. He oversees its global and regional offices located in India, Singapore, UAE and the USA. He designs and leads various programs around eight core themes and subthemes of health systems. He directs multistakeholder networks, alliances and collaboratives.
He co-founded many health enterprises. These include - Care Hospitals, a multispecialty hospital chain in India, Relisys Medical Devices, a pioneer in indigenous cardiovascular medical device technologies, TRUST Healthcare, an emerging model of healthcare and IncuMed, an incubator of in-vitro diagnostics and therapeutics. He currently leads these, excepting Care Hospitals, as their chairperson.
Dr Renee Ruhaak
Dr. L. Renee Ruhaak is currently an associate professor at the department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine within the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). She has a background in analytical chemistry, specifically focusing on proteins and post-translational modifications. Her research focuses on the application of mass spectrometry within the clinical chemistry setting. This entails both development and implementation of quantitative protein mass spectrometry tests, as well as the role of mass spectrometry in metrology and test standardization. Ultimately, her goal is to contribute to a more sustainable healthcare system through enabling of P5 medicine by clinical proteoform testing.
Dr Mohd Jamsani bin Mat Salieh
Dr. Mohd Jamsani bin Mat Salleh earned his Medical Degree (MD) from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in 2003 and his Master of Pathology (Chemical Pathology) from USM in 2011. He currently serves as the Head of the Chemical Pathology Unit in the Department of Pathology at Hospital Seberang Jaya and as the State Chemical Pathologist in Penang, Malaysia. Additionally, he is a member of the APFCB Lab Management Committee, the MACB Lab Management Sub-Committee, and the Chapter of Chemical Pathology and Metabolic Medicine within the College of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia.
Prof Praveen Sharma
Prof. Praveen Sharma has more than 44 years' experience of teaching Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine. He has over 280 research publications in various prestigious journals and has an interest in Metabolic Syndrome, Atherosclerosis, Antioxidants, Metal Toxicity, and Lab Management. He has delivered Invited Lectures at various National and International Meetings. He has served as Professor and Head of Biochemistry, Dean Research & Controller of Examinations at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur, India. He has also served as Professor of Biochemistry and In-charge Central Lab at SMS Medical College Jaipur and Senior Professor and Head of Biochemistry at Government Medical College Kota.
He is a recipient of Merit award for outstanding services from Govt. of Rajasthan on 26th Jan. 2002 (Award was given for outstanding contribution in improving laboratory investigation services in Rajasthan and creating Central Lab at SMS Hospital Jaipur and its management.
He is a Fellow of the Association of Clinical Biochemists of India (FACBI), Fellow of National Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS), and Fellow of American Academy of Diagnostic and Laboratory Medicine (FADLM).
He is a recipient of the Presidential oration Award (2004), G S Seth Medical College Oration Award (2004), Pattabiraman Oration Award (2010), Awadhesh saran memorial Oration Awards (2013), and A. J. Thakur-ACBI award (2015) for distinguished service and significant contribution to the field of Clinical Biochemistry. Foundation day oration award 2015, Department of Biochemistry, King George Medical University, Lucknow. Appreciation award 2015 from Indian Society of Lead Awareness and Research (InSLAR) for creating Lead Awareness Amongst School Children.
He has been twice President of ACBI (2003-2004 and 2014-2015) and He is Editor-in-Chief of, Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry (IJCB) and Chairman, Corporate Wing of ACBI. Dr. Sharma is the President of the Indian Society for Lead Awareness and Research (InSLAR), Director of the National Referral Center of Lead Project India, Jodhpur and Director, the Foundation for Quality (INDIA) for Rajasthan State, India.
He is a Director, of South East Asia on the World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Management (WASPaLM) Board from 2020 to date.
Prof. Sharma is the Secretary of, Asia-Pacific Federation for Clinical Biochemistry and Lab Medicine (APFCB). He has also served as Chair Communication Committee of APFCB and Chief Editor of APFCB News from 2010-2019. and Chair of the APFCB Committee on Congress and Conferences 2019-2022. Besides he has also organized the 15th APFCB Congress 2019 from 17th to 20th November 2019 as Organizing Chairman at Jaipur.
He is a Chair of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry - Committee on Clinical Laboratory Management (IFCC-CCLM) from 2019 to date and also served as a member of the same Committee from 2016-2019.
AIIMS Jodhpur has established two prestigious awards in honour of Professor Praveen Sharma.
- The first one is the Prof. Praveen Sharma Gold Medal, which is awarded to the MD Biochemistry topper every year.
- The second award is the Prof. Praveen Sharma Oration, which is delivered by eminent and distinguished scientists on AIIMS Jodhpur Research Day annually.
The Association of Clinical Biochemists of India has established the Prof. Praveen Sharma Oration Award, which is presented to outstanding Clinical Biochemists for their exceptional contributions to the field of Clinical Biochemistry. This award is presented every year during the Annual National Conference of ACBI.
Special Distinctions
Recognized as an eminent Indian Biochemists and ranked among top 2% in worldwide scientist from India, for the past three years stated by Stanford University study (Updated science-wide author databases, Plos Biology, 2020,2021 and 2022).
Dr (Prof) Imran Siddiqui
Dean (Faculty of Chemical Pathology - CPSP)
Dr (Prof) Imran Siddiqui is a graduate of Dow Medical College & University from Class of 1989. He started his career at The Aga Khan University Hospital in 1991 and currently attached as full time Professor and Consultant Chemical Pathologist. He is a Fellow of College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan; awarded FCPP (Fellowship of College of Pathologist, Pakistan) FRCP-E (Fellow of Royal College of Physicians; Edinburgh) and FRCP-G (Fellow of Royal College of Physicians; Glasgow). He is also the current Dean of Faculties of Chemical Pathology at College of Physician & Surgeons Pakistan. Over the last 3 decades, he has served in leading roles at his Institution & department including Departmental Chair (interim) and Service Line Chief for the largest and the 1st CAP accredited Clinical laboratory of Pakistan. Besides post numerous graduate trainees, Dr Siddiqui has been involved in undergraduate teaching at The Aga Khan Medical School with more than 80 peer reviewed publications, more than hundred national & International abstracts & conference proceeding, author/co-author on three books and multiple grants (Intra & Extramural) under his belt with honorary memberships on editorial board for scientific journals. Dr. Siddiqui was also “Elected President” for Pakistan Society of Chemical Pathologist (2011-2013) in Pakistan, represented Pakistan at IFCC (Indonesia in 2013 & Spain March 2016).
Dr Rajiv Ranjan Sinha
Professor& Head
Department of Biochemistry
Nalanda Medical College
Dr Joel Smith
Dr. Joel Smith is Medical Director of the Department of Biochemistry, Laboratory Services at the Royal Children's Hospital and a Consultant Chemical Pathologist at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. He is current chair AACB Multidisciplinary Monoclonal Gammopathy Working Group. His interests include the diagnosis and monitoring of monoclonal gammopathies, all aspects of Paediatric Clinical Biochemistry, the diagnosis and monitoring of porphyria and patient based quality control.
Prof Zornitza Stark
Professor Zornitza Stark is a clinical geneticist at the Victorian Clinical Genetics Services and Clinical Lead, Australian Genomics. She completed her medical studies at the University of Oxford, before training in paediatrics at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne, and in clinical genetics at VCGS. Since 2014, Zornitza has played a leadership role in numerous translational genomics projects through Melbourne Genomics, Australian Genomics, and the Genomics Health Futures Mission, all aimed at accelerating rare disease diagnosis. She has co-authored over 220 papers and has received over $60M in research funding.
Dr Pavai Sthaneshwar
Dr. Pavai Sthaneshwar graduated from Kilpauk Medical College, India. She is currently holding the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Pathology, University Malaya. She is the academic person in-charge for Chemical Pathology in the Division of Laboratory Medicine. Her interests are improvement of the services provided by the clinical laboratories. She is currently a member of the Malaysian Association of Clinical Biochemistry and Chapter of Chemical Pathology and Metabolic Medicine, College of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia (CPMM, CPath AMM) scientific committee.
Claudia Swart
C. Swart studied Chemistry at the University of Regensburg with focus on analytical chemistry. She received her PhD from the Free University in Berlin in the field of archaeometry. After her PhD, she worked at the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) in the field of speciation analysis analysing arsenic species in water and biota. 2008 she moved on to the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig, which is the National Metrology Institute of Germany, where she is currently leading the working group “Speciation Analysis”. Her focus is on the development of reference measurement procedures for metalloproteins and metabolites in clinical samples. Furthermore, she chairs the working group on troponin I (WG-TNI) within the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) and the Protein Analysis Working Group within the Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance: Metrology in Chemistry and Biology (CCQM). She is also a member of the review team for proteins within the Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM) and a member of the Sub Committee Bio and Organic Analysis of the Technical Committee for Metrology in Chemistry within EURAMET.
Dr Jun Guan Tan
Dr Jun Guan Tan is a Chemical Pathologist at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singapore. He obtained his FRCPA and FAACB in 2021.
Dr Subashini C. Thambiah
MBBS (UWA, Australia), MPath (UKM, Malaysia), Fellowship in Metabolic Medicine (London, UK), FAMM (Malaysia)
Dr. Subashini C. Thambiah is an Associate Professor and Consultant Chemical Pathologist (Metabolic Medicine) at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). She obtained her MBBS from the University of Western Australia and Master of Pathology (Chemical Pathology) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. In 2011, she completed her fellowship in Metabolic Medicine at Guys' & St. Thomas' Hospital, London, UK. She is actively involved in academic teaching, scientific research, laboratory and clinical services. Her thrust areas of interest include lipid and metabolic bone disorders. She was the lead writer for the National Post Graduate Medical Curriculum (NPMC)-Chemical Pathology and is a member of the Specialty Education Subcommittee for Chemical Pathology, Malaysian Medical Council (MMC). She was the Honorary Secretary of the College of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia (CPathAMM) from 2018 to 2022. She is currently the President of the Chapter of Chemical Pathology and Metabolic Medicine, CPathAMM. She leads the Technical Committee for Clinical Laboratory, City Cancer Challenge Initiative Greater Petaling and the Expert Panel on Laboratory Engagement of the national programme, ‘Stand Against Prediabetes: Don't Sugarcoat It'. She is also in the Expert Panel for the ‘Kidney Failure Risk Equation (KFRE) Automation in Laboratory Reporting System (KATALYST)' national project and the Malaysian Association of Clinical Biochemists-Chronic Kidney Disease (MACB-CKD) Taskforce. She has recently been appointed as a member of the NPMC Development Steering Committee and panel evaluator for the Medical Specialisation Programme, MMC. She is a certified auditor with Standards Malaysia for MS ISO 15189:2022 laboratory accreditation. She currently leads the Metabolic Bone Clinic services at Hospital Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah, UPM.
Prof Martin Than
Prof Than is Director of Emergency Medicine and an Emergency Medicine Specialist at Christchurch Hospital, New Zealand and visiting Professor at Kansas University Medical Centre, USA. He has a strong interest in evidence-based diagnosis and has tutored at The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in Oxford.
His research interest is centred on quality improvement initiatives for the emergency department, focusing on cardiac biomarkers. He was the principal investigator of the 3,500 patient ASPECT study, involving nine countries in the Asia-Pacific region, and of a randomized controlled trial of a 2-hour diagnostic protocol for possible cardiac chest pain in the emergency department. He was an inaugural a member of the International Federation Committee on Clinical Applications of Cardiac Bio-Markers. He was the winner of the inaugural Beaven Medal for excellence in Health Service Delivery research. He is currently PI for a 50,000 patient implementation trial using high sensitivity point of care troponin.
Dr Mercy Thomas PhD, RN
Senior Lecturer, Swinburne University, Melbourne
Researcher/Educator, Victorian Clinical Genetic Services
Mercy Thomas is a highly accomplished registered nurse with a distinguished career in clinical practice, project management, quality improvement and education. Her diverse experience spans acute, sub-acute, and educational settings, offering a well-rounded perspective on healthcare delivery. Mercy's doctoral research focused on optimising neonatal jaundice screening practices in Victorian community settings. She actively translates her research findings into real world impact by publishing academic studies, collaborating with clinicians and decision makers, and advocating for evidence-based practices in providing newborn care.
Dr Sian Hwa Tjan
- Medical Doctor from Faculty of Medicine – University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Master of Science in Clinical Tropical Disease from Mahidol University –Bangkok, Thailand
- Clinical Pathologist from Faculty of Medicine-University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Current Positions and Activities:
- Head of Clinical Laboratory Department Premier Jatinegara Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Laboratory Director of Westerindo Private Medical Laboratory, Jakarta, Indonesia
- President of IACC (Indonesian Association for Clinical Chemistry)
- Chairwoman of APFCB Laboratory Management Committee
- Member of Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist
- Board of Executive Indonesian Association of Clinical Laboratory
- Member of Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist External Quality Control Scheme Committee
- Lead Assessor for ISO 15189 - Indonesian Accreditation Committee
- Assessor for ISO 17043 – Indonesian Accreditation Committee
Dr Thi Chi Mai Tran MD.PhD
Dr Mai Tran has been working in clinical biochemistry for 15 years. She is also working in Hanoi Medical University as Biochemistry lecturer. Her main research interests focus on laboratory management, special laboratory techniques used for screening, diagnosing and monitoring the inborn errors of metabolism. She has published more than 70 papers on domestic and international journals.
Prof Anudaththa Thathsarani Vithana Pathirana
MBBS, Post Graduate Diploma in Chemical Pathology, MD in Chemical Pathology, Board Certified Consultant Chemical Pathologist and the Head of the Department of Pathology, Teaching Hospital Badulla, Sri Lanka.
Post MD overseas training at Liverpool and Royal Prince Alfred Hospitals, New South Wales, Australia.
Lecturer in Chemical Pathology at Post Graduate Institute of Medicine, Sri Lanka.
Visiting lecturer at faculty of Medicine, University of Uva Wellassa, Sri Lanka.
Reviewer BMJ Case Reports.
Co – editor of the College of Chemical Pathologist of Sri Lanka in 2022 and 2023.
Principal supervisor of many research conducted by the students following Medical Laboratory Science degree.
Research interests are in the field of Oncology and Endocrinology.
Dr Nilika Wijeratne
Dr Nilika Wijeratne is a Chemical Pathologist at Eastern Health Pathology, Victoria, Australia. She is also an Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Medicine, Monash University.
Dr Wijeratne is a member of the RCPAQAP Advisory Committee on Patient Report Comments and Multidisciplinary Working Party on Monoclonal Gammopathy. She is a RCPA- Chemical Pathology Examiner and NATA assessor.
Dr Nishani Ganga Withana Pathirana
MBBS, Post Graduate Diploma in Chemical Pathology, MD in Chemical Pathology
Board certified consultant in Chemical Pathology
Post MD overseas training as an honorary fellow at Fiona Stanly Hospital, Perth, Australia
Joint secretary of the College of Chemical Pathologist of Sri Lanka (CCPSL) in 2019 -2020 and 2020 – 2021
Co – editor of the College of Chemical Pathologist of Sri Lanka (CCPSL) in 2022 - 2023
Technical assessor in Sri Lanka Accreditation Board
Secretary of Ruhunu Clinical Society in 2019 – 2020 and 2023 - 2024
Examiner in screening examination leading to MD part I in Pathology, CBLS and MD Chemical pathology
Visiting lecturer in Post Graduate Institute of Medicine, Sri Lanka
Dr Chi Kin Felix Wong
Dr Felix Wong is currently a Consultant Chemical Pathologist in Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China. He obtained his RCPA Fellowship in 2019 and Fellowship of The Hong Kong College of Pathologists (HKCPath) in 2020. He completed his Genetics and Genomics training under HKCPath in 2022. He is practicing in the teaching hospital of The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and is a Clinical Associate Professor (honorary) of HKU.
Dr Rosita Zakaria
Dr Rosita Zakaria is a Medical Scientist and Lecturer in the Discipline of Laboratory Medicine at RMIT University. She is currently the program manager of the Laboratory Medicine undergraduate degrees at RMIT and, serves as Education Representative and Committee Member of AACB Victoria Branch, Member of the IFCC Working Group on Method Evaluation Protocols, and an Honorary Research position holder at MCRI.
Professor Zhen Zhao
Zhen Zhao is a Professor of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine. She is the Director of Central Laboratory and Clinical Chemistry Service at the New York-Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Centre. She received her BS in biology from Xiamen University and PhD from Northwestern University. She fulfilled clinical chemistry postdoctoral fellowship training at Washington University in St. Louis. She is board certified by the American Board of Clinical Chemistry. Prior to joining the faculty at Weill Cornell, she served as the Director of General Chemistry and Immunoassay and the Associated Director of the clinical chemistry fellowship postdoctoral training program in the Department of Laboratory Medicine of the National Institutes of Health. She has written 4 book chapters, given over 40 invited lectures/symposia locally, nationally, and internationally and published over 90 peer reviewed papers. She serves/served on several committees including Chair of IFCC Task Force on Outcome Studies in Laboratory Medicine (TF-OSLM), Member of ADLM Academy Council, Chair of ADLM Academy Scientific Shorts, Co-Chair of AACC COVID-19 Community Study and President of the North American Chinese Clinical Chemists Association (NACCCA). She has received several awards including NIH Clinical Centre Director's Award, AACC Capital Local Section Roe Award, NACB's Distinguished Abstract Award, AACC Endocrinology Division Outstanding Abstract Award and NACCCA Outstanding Research Award.
Registrations & Call for Abstracts Opens
30 October 2023
Early Bird Registration Closes
19 August 2024
Standard Registration Opens
20 August 2024